Best Sellers Bundle
(100 Plants)


SIZE: Air plants in bundle can range from 2" to 16" depending on availability

DESCRIPTION: You will receive the following 100 plants. If flowering plants are available we will send plants in bud or bloom. Flowering availability depends on species and season. No labels will be put on these plants. We recommend selling these by size (Small, Medium, Large). 

NOTE: The photo for this listing is just a placeholder. The bundle contents change from time to time based on plant availability and can include some, or all, or none of the contents of the photo. 

10 fuchsii gracillis md or 10 stricta purple haze

10 juncifolia md or 10 juncea md or 10 baileyi

10 tricolor md

5 bulbosa md or 5 butzii md or 5 tenuifolia bush

5 ionantha pink (medium) *Color*

5 ionantha red (medium) *Color*

10 peru inca gold singles

10 funckiana md or 10 sm harrisii

15 ionantha (medium)

5 velutina md or 5 capitata peach md or 5 starburst

10 caput medusae md or sm

5 harrisii md or 5 mima chilitensis