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Out of stock

Velutina Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Harrisii Small
(Minimum Order 10)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Capitata Peach Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Xerographica Thick Leaf Large
(No Minimum)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Xerographica Thick Leaf Small
(Minimum Order 3)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Stricta Iridescent
(Minimum Order 3)

Out of stock

Brachycaulos Green Small
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Blooming Assorted Medium Air Plant
(Minimum Order 5 )

Out of stock

Xerographica Thick Leaf Mini
(Minimum Order 3)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Oaxacana Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Harrisii Large
(No Minimum)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Aeranthos Mini
(Minimum order 10)

Out of stock

Fuchsii var Gracilis Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Kolbii AKA Scaposa Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Aeranthos Medium
(Minimum order 5)

Out of stock

Butzii Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Pruinosa Guatemala Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Bulbosa Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Streptophylla Small
(Minimum Order 3)

Out of stock

Caput Medusae Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Juncea Large
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Ionantha Vanhyningii Propagation Clump
(No Minimum) ON SALE!

Out of stock

Aeranthos Small
(Minimum order 10)

Out of stock

Magnusiana Large
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Plagiotropica Small
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

T. 'Chantilly' (Stricta x Leonamiana)
(Minimum Order 3)

Out of stock

Funckiana Small
(Minimum order 10)

Out of stock

Magnusiana Medium
(Minimum Order 5)


Curly Slim Lg (Intermedia X Streptophylla)
(No Minimum)

Out of stock

Capitata Medium
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Juncifolia Red/Green Large
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Brachycaulos Green Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Caput Medusae Small
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Aeranthos Bronze Clump Medium
(Minimum order 5)

Out of stock

Montana Black Medium
(Minimum Order 4)

Out of stock

Karwinskyana Medium
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Stricta Black Beauty XL Clump
(No Minimum)

Out of stock

Funckiana Large
(Minimum order 5)

Out of stock

Juncifolia Red/Green Small
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Harrisii X Xerographica (Guatemala)
(No Minimum)
*Cannot Be Shipped Internationally*

Out of stock

Intermedia With Spike (Minimum Order 3)

Out of stock

Bulbosa Small
(Minimum Order 10)

Out of stock

Pseudobaileyi XL
(Minimum Order 5)

Out of stock

Pruinosa Guatemala Small
(Minimum Order 10)


Blooming Air Plant Assorted
(No Minimum)


Aeranthos Miniata Clump Small
(Minimum order 5)

Out of stock

Peru Inca Gold Clump (4 - 7 pups)
(Minimum Order 3)

Out of stock

Kolbii AKA Scaposa XL
(Minimum Order 5)

1 of 3

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