Premium Best Sellers Bundle
(50 Plants)


SIZE: Air plants in bundle can range from 2" to 12" depending on availability

DESCRIPTION: You will receive the following 50 plants. This bundle includes premium selections not found in our regular bundles. If flowering plants are available we will send plants in bud or bloom. Flowering availability depends on species and season. Plants with color are highlighted below. 

3 Xerographica Sm

10 Harrisii Md or Stricta Purple Haze

5 Juncifolia Giant or Chaetophylla Clump

5 Fat Boy Clump

1 Capitata Salmon 

1 Majestic

5 Ionantha Red *Color*

5 Ionantha Sunset Orange *Color*

5 Bulbosa Md or 5 Stricta White

5 Capitata Domingensis *Color*

5 Stricta Starry Night or Stricta Pink Cone

NOTE: The photo for this listing is just a placeholder. The bundle contents change from time to time based on plant availability and can include some, or all, or none of the contents of the photo.